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How to Make Overnight Oats

Updated: Apr 26, 2023

Overnight oats are quick and easy to prepare. It takes 5-10 minutes to make, and all you have to do in the morning is grab your overnight oats, a spoon, eat and enjoy. You can prepare your oats at night for the next day or meal prep for the week so that you have on-the-go breakfast or snack for the next couple of days (3-5 days) saving yourself a lot of time. You can be creative and change things up by adding different fruits, nuts and other toppings or ingredients for extra nutrients & vitamins to make your breakfast even more nutritious.

Consuming oats has it's benefits, especially when it's included in your diet regularly. Oats have a high fiber content so it helps slow down digestion and will keep you fuller for longer, which can even help support weight loss and/or weight management by sending signals of satiety or fullness to the brain, therefore reducing the amount of calories consumed during the day. Incorporating oats in a regular diet can also help maintain gut health, and decrease the risk of heart disease.

Now that you know some of the benefits of consuming Oats, you should try it for yourself. Follow the steps below and please feel free to get creative with it and make to your liking.

Step #1 - Add 1/2 cup of oats

Add your oats to a 12-16 ounce mason jar. I normally eat Quaker Oats 100% whole grain oats. Whole-grain products provide fiber and a variety of several vitamins and minerals. It's generally recommended above enriched, refined-grain products, which are food products stripped of their valuable nutrients. You can go with whichever brand you'd prefer. Feel free to add your natural sweeteners like raw honey or pure maple syrup for taste.

Step #2 - Add 1/2 cup Milk (or liquid of your choice)

I like to use milk in my overnight oats but feel free to use whichever liquid base you prefer. Depending on your goals or the flavor of overnight oats you are going for you have a few options. Examples include water, almond milk, soy milk, coconut water, etc. It's totally up to you.

Step #3 - Add 1/2 cup Greek yogurt

Greek yogurt has more protein and less sugar than regular yogurt. Try to avoid consuming products with lots of added sugar. If you refer to the Nutritional Facts, added sugar with a % Daily Value (%DV) under 5% is considered low so that's good; the product contains a small amount of sugar added to it. Anything over 20% is considered high so if you are looking for a lot of a specific nutrient, it'll have a % DV of 20% or more.

Step #4 - Add Fruits and other add-ons

Add more flavor to your oats by adding your favorite fruits (excluding bananas on this step - you can add your banana right before consuming your overnight oats), nuts, seeds, nut butters, and/or peanut butter (I prefer PB2). Be creative and have fun with it! I've come up with so many different flavorful combinations by trying new things and changing things up.

Step #5 - Add 1/2 cup Milk (or liquid of your choice)

I use milk in my overnight oats but feel free to use whichever liquid base you prefer. Depending on your goals or the flavor of overnight oats you are going for, you have a few options. Examples include water, almond milk, soy milk, coconut water, etc. It's totally up to you.

Step #6 - Shake well

Shake your mason jar well. You'll want to make sure all the ingredients are mixed well so the liquid and contents can soak and soften the oats.

Step #7 - Put in the fridge overnight

Leave your mason jar in the fridge for at least 4 hours or overnight for the next day. If you are food prepping for the week, you can keep your overnight oats in the fridge for up to 3-5 days.

Step #8 - Shake & Warm up (or eat cold)

Remove from the refrigerator and shake well. You may eat your overnight oats cold or heat up for 45 seconds in the microwave. Feel free to warm your oats up longer if needed.

Step #9 - Add your favorite toppings & enjoy!

Now add your favorite toppings: fruits, nuts, and more sweeteners or milk if needed. Grab your spoon, eat & enjoy.

Save time with overnight oats

Overnight Oats are such a great breakfast or snack idea for individuals that are always on the go. They're healthy, quick, and convenient. Have you tried any overnight oat recipes? If so, which flavors have you tried? Leave a comment below. I'd love hear about it.

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